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Top 10 Fashion Pinners to Follow on Pinterest

Pinterest has become one of the fastest growing social media platforms, garnering 10.4 million users in just over two years......

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Pinterest has become one of the fastest growing social media platforms, garnering 10.4 million users in just over two years since its launch in March 2010. It’s no wonder then, that Pinterest has become a powerhouse on the fashion scene. Pinterest caters to a wide swath of users interested in fashion. Here are the top ten pinners you should be following on Pinterest today.

  1. Jane Wang (
    Sure, she might just happen to be the mum of one of Pinterest’s co-founders, but she’s also the pinner with the most followers on Pinterest: 3.2 million and counting. Four of Jane’s 89 boards take the top four slots for most popular women’s apparel boards, according to Repinly (source:’s%20Apparel).
  2. Lucky Magazine (
    Lucky Magazine says it plainly in their Pinterest profile: “These are a few of our favorite things.” With over a thousand pins, Lucky Mag certainly has more than just a few favourites. Whether you’re looking for the hottest shoes, the edgiest street finds or the best picks for under £50, Lucky Magazine is a pinner you’ve got to follow.
  3. P.S. I Made This (
    Fashion gets a DIY makeover with this popular blogger’s Pinterest page. With a vibrant colour palette, Erica Domesek translates the latest runway styles into easily recreated haute couture you can create yourself at home.
  4. Glitter Guide (
    Hailing itself as “flashes of delight”, this popular pinner has gone on to create her own fashion, beauty and style website. Their mellow pinboards have a soft, feminine palette and coquettish style even for the girliest of girly-girls.
  5. Etsy (
    Where Etsy is your source for all things handmade, Etsy’s Pinterest page is your source for handmade fashion. Culling from their own Etsy artisans, Etsy brings the best of the best in handcrafted fashion for women, men, kids, wedding and even pets!
  6. Style Me Pretty (
    Speaking of weddings, Style Me Pretty is any bride’s go-to resource for everything wedding. With over 50 boards, brides-to-be can find plenty of something new inspired wedding fashions.
  7. Lauren Indvik (
    Don’t be fooled by the small number of followers for this particular pinner. fashion and media reporter Lauren Indvik gives followers a sophisticated yet edgy showcase of the latest fashion trends and styles with lush and inspired pinboards.
  8. Eat. Sleep. Wear. (
    Kimberly Pesch isn’t just another fashion blogger; she’s become a fashion force on Pinterest. With nearly a million followers, her Pinterest page is a hybrid of inspired fashions for the body and home. Her glowy, Instagram-ed style softens an otherwise eclectic mix of styles.
  9. Nina Garcia (
    From the pages of Marie Claire to the judge’s seats of Project Runway, Nina Garcia’s taste and eye for style hold legendary clout in the fashion world. See what tickles Nina’s fashion fancy by following her on Pinterest.
  10. My Vintage Vogue (
    Rounding out our top 10 pinners to follow is a flashback to the swanky glory days of women’s fashion from the 1920s to the 1960s. Indulge your inner Joan Holloway from Mad Men by checking out these vintage inspirations.

No matter if you’re a budding fashion designer or just pretend to be one at home, these ten pinners demonstrate the colourful variety of fashion pinners to be found on Pinterest. Who will you be repinning right now and who are your new faves?

Rosie is interested in electronic music and skateboarding. She writes for Ark the online and high-street clothing retailer who sell music-influenced clothing, popular branded apparel such as men’s and womens Superdry clothing, Fred Perry and many others.