Next Step Beauty

Hollywood Lashes – What are they?

Hollywood Lashes Hollywood lashes are eyelash extensions made of a synthetic material that are secured to the clients’ own lashes and......

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eyelash extension courses

Hollywood Lashes

Hollywood lashes are eyelash extensions made of a synthetic material that are secured to the clients’ own lashes and last for about two to three weeks before they require any infills.

The main reasons that a client may choose to have extensions is to create shape, depth and enhance their own natural lashes by creating a thicker and fuller look.


Hollywood Lashes – Get the Look

There are basically two looks from the Hollywood range to choose between, the first one being the straight lash which is natural looking and achieves the look of thicker and fuller lashes.

The second type is the B-curl which is a balance between a natural and a more glamorous look. This lengthens the lash and gives the effect of a natural curl, an effect which would normally be achieved through the use of an eyelash curler.

A fully trained Lash Technician is required to apply both these extensions. The application of the lashes can take up to two hours depending on the look required eg. if a fuller look is desired this will require more lashes to be applied thus making the application process longer. The client will be required to keep their eyes firmly shut for the majority of this time. Most clients find this a relaxing experience as it allows them to escape from the hussle and bussle of the real world for a while. However part of the application process involves  the lashes being brushed at which time the client may feel a slight pulling sensation but this should not be painful in any way just perhaps a little uncomfortable.

Once secured to the natural lash, the extensions will then require minimal maintenance until the need for infills and there will be no need to apply mascara. Clients can still shower and even go swimming in the normal way without having to worry about damaging the extensions. Infills are required after two to three weeks or the lashes can be allowed to grow out naturally which takes about three months. It is important that the eyes are not rubbed or touched once the extensions are applied. Prices start from £99 for the first treatment  and infills are approximately £25.

PLEASE NOTE – Next Step Beauty is in no way affiliated or associated with Hollywood Lashes. We do not offer Hollywood Lashes courses specifically however we do offer accredited eyelash extension courses which once completed would allow you to make your own informed choice about what product brand you would like to work with. Next Step Beauty certainly in no way endorse Hollywood Lashes.

For more information about Hollywood Lashes visit their website here: