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Men – Want to be Pampered Too!

Growing Trend of Men Having Nail Treatments Is beauty just for woman? Do men want to look after themselves just......

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Growing Trend of Men Having Nail Treatments

Is beauty just for woman? Do men want to look after themselves just at much? Men are far more image conscious then ever before and according to new research, male grooming is a growth market and some big businesses are just about to get on-board! Harvey Nichols as well as Selfridges stores have tapped into the trend by adding male-specific manicure packages to their treatment menus. Is this the first of many, we think so!

Beauty salons involved in a nationwide survey reported a 66 per cent rise in male footfall over the past 12 months. Treatments that male clients are asking for are manicures in addition to tanning and other treatments, isn’t it time you started to think about adding treatments for men to your menu?

Jenna Harper, a beauty therapist at Sparkle Salon said: “Most men come into the salon for the sun beds but then see we offer other treatments like manicures and take them too. I have noticed a big increase in the number of men now coming to the salon on a regular basis.Men have no problem coming in to have a manicure. It’s an all-year-round thing and we get young men and middle aged men.”

Why do men get salon treatments?

  • 34% say it makes them feel more confident
  • 30% have treatments because they are self-conscious about the way they look
  • 25% say they do it because they care about their appearance

Over the past 18 months we have also seen an increase in the number of men wishing to take up a career in the beauty industry by booking our nail courses or holistic courses. We also expect this number to grow over the coming years as men seek alternative work.